
Tool-of-the-Month Club: Project Selection

Opportunities for improvement everywhere you look. Imperatives for improved performance, too. How do you succeed to not only “do things right,” but also “do the right things?”

Join us for a look into the power of democratizing ideation and automating improvement through Project Portfolio Management.

In this video we:

  • Explain the benefits of Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
  • Compare manual vs automated ideation and project selection
  • Establish a rational, disciplined way to determine a project’s viability

Request a free Project Selection tool after the completion of this program.

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Tool-of-the-Month Club: Fishbone & 5-Why’s Analysis

The Fishbone is a powerful tool for revealing root causes, and putting them into logical categories for purposes of further study. The Fishbone is a powerful analytical tool and great for brainstorming sessions. Even if you feel you understand the fundamentals of the Fishbone, this program will demonstrate how to take this tool to the next level! Ever considered transforming a Fishbone into a Pareto Chart? We’ll show you how!

The 5 Why’s is our first foray into analytical tools to help reveal the root cause of performance problems. Even if you feel you understand the foundation of the 5 Why’s, you’ll learn ways to adapt the tool beyond its traditional application by moving your inquiry in different directions. The 5 Why Tool is an excellent group brainstorming tool.

Got 30 sec? Learn the business case for PPM
Got 60 sec? Learn the business case for COMPASS®